Codename Uwe

The last two Uwes were something like a damage to the thuringian state’s reputation.

But this 𝖀𝖂𝕰 is different, he was once a keyboard player in the cover band A9, which was only renamed “A9 - Vollgas” after he left.

During the time of the corona pandemic ,when Unvaccinated-𝖀𝖂𝕰 took it till quarantine in 2022, mister Thrum became mixture of a mobile loudspeaker and helicopter.

𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum advertises with his good contacts to right-wing activists and extremists. Examples include Björn Höcke, Christian Klar and the Reich activist Haußner…𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum also likes to take photos with Andreas Kalbitz.

When Thrum chatted with the terrorism accused Reichsbürger Reuss and the back-then mayor Weigelt at the town festival in Bad Lobenstein, the latter, in a fit of “Volkszorn”, mayoralized a journalist to ground while in office.

𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrums “top performances” include:

When Mr. Thrum was not invited to an election forum in January 2024, he simply organized two “walks” with 250 and 300 participants in Neustadt/Orla and Pößneck, during which he called for Erfurt to be expanded into a central deportation airport.

The “duel” for the runoff election was quickly canceled by a video message and foreigner-fearing 𝖀𝖂𝕰 even deleted ( or let the plaform delete ) the first post on “Saale Info TV” in order to insert the line “OTZ rejection granted” and change the headline.

𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum’s election campaign culminated in an event in the “Goldener Stern” Kleindembach with Björn Höcke, to which he asked, for example:

Do we want a Europe of fatherlands? (Wollen wir ein Europa der Vaterländer?) (Björn Höcke, 01/2024)

With this, Höcke has finally moved on to adopt demands from the NSU/THS complex verbatim

Afterwards, Höcke promised that they would “change the Republic from the East, change it for the better,” to end the speech with the words

Long live Thuringia, long live our German fatherland, long live the true Europe ( es lebe Thüringen, es lebe unser Deutsches Vaterland, es lebe das wahre Europa) (Björn Höcke, 01/2024)

( #FromGoldenStarIStayFar )

An overview of Uwe Thrum’s network can be found here in the diagram

You can find the following text about 𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum in the ResearchPortal-Jena-SHK

With his racist activism at a time of multiple right-wing mobilizations, Uwe Thrum built an initial basis that he was able to build on after joining the AfD in 2018. In 2019 he was elected to the state parliament, where, among other things, he became a member of the state youth welfare committee. At the same time, his Facebook likes for the neo-Nazi group “We love the Saale-Holzland-Kreis”, which organized torchlight marches for the birthdays of Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess in 2016, were still visible. With his comrade in the spirit of 2015, Jasmin Rasche, Uwe Thrum then celebrated May 1, 2022 together at an AfD rally in Pößneck.

Here are a few more of the best 𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum quotes:

We cannot give every minority a platform (Wir können nicht jeder Minderheit ein Podium geben) 𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum 12/2022 - zur Beflaggung des Landratsamt SOK

The district office decommissioned the back-then mayor of Lobenstein, Mr. Weigelt, after the attack on journalists. Whether the 𝖀𝖂𝕰 Thrum, who was present during the incident, would have carried out this remains questionable.

If #NichtDerUwe had won the runoff election for district administrator, only the state administration office could have stopped him to become Employer of an assembly and weapons authority.